1997.05.16 Shrine Exposition Hall Los Angeles CA USA

1997.05.16 Shrine Exposition Hall Los Angeles CA USA

Temps de lecture : 2 minutes
  1. [0:45] Preshow
  2. [1:17] Uselink
  3. [5:56] Barrel Of A Gun
  4. [5:29] Useless
  5. [4:11] It’s No Good
  6. [5:58] Home
  7. [6:53] Never Let Me Down Again
  8. [17:05] Dave Gahan Interview
  9. [16:55] Andrew Fletcher Interview

Format MP3

Complete soundboard recording
Remaster notes: in Adobe Audition CC: sources phase corrected, source 2 amplified by +1.75dB on left channel where required, automatic click removal (heavy reduction), entire recording normalized to -0.1dB and any DC bias removed -> FLAC level 8 (16/48) using FLAC 1.3.0 64-bit
auCDtectTaskManager log included

Source 1: E! TV audio recording – probably from pre-broadcast source from VHS
Source 2: MTV TV broadcast – likely a TV broadcast recorded on VHS

The E! recording sounds better overall, but it is incomplete and had background clicks and pops throughout which were rendered much quieter with the click removal. The MTV recording had some as well here and there, but they were not significant and were also removed.

I used the MTV recording for the following:

  • 45 seconds of pre-show DJ set music and the first 25 seconds of « Uselink » (crowd noise which looked lossy or had excessive noise reduction applied)
  • About 35 seconds at the end of « Home » which was edited out on the E! version
  • Entirety of « Never Let Me Down Again » – the E! version looked lossy or had excessive noise reduction applied; Dave’s goodbyes and additional audience noise are retained from the E! version

The concert tracks are 16-bit 48khz, so you will need to downsample before burning onto a CD-R.

Unaired interviews with Dave, interviewed by E! TV, and with Andy some time in 1993 are also included in this torrent. I normalized and phase corrected them and removed some ringing noises. Dave’s interview is from a different source than Andy’s and it sounds clearer. Both interviews are mono, with Andy’s being 44.1khz; in both cases, the right channel was quite noisy and was discarded. Andy’s interview is quite loud, so turn down the volume before playing it (sorry, I wish I had a better source for it).
Dave’s interview is from the afternoon before the concert and the making of « Ultra » is discussed, as well as Dave’s recovery and his feelings on performing sober on stage. Andy’s is from some time in 1993 since he references the upcoming release of SOFAD Live and the South African, Far East and South American legs of the Devotional tour as well as the Summer Tour 94. If anybody has any further specifics about the interview such as the exact date or who conducted the interview, please let us know in the comments.


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